‘Star fishes’
Nicholas Hanhart (British) , Printmaker
Philip Henry Gosse (1810 - 1888, British) , Illustrator
Object type
Library reference
height (print): 136mm
width (print): 85mm
width (print): 85mm
Content object
Underwater scene showing starfish, including the Goose foot starfish (Anseropoda placenta, described by the author as Palmipes membranaceus) on rocks.
The author collected these creatures at Whitenose near Weymouth, Dorset. The accompanying text reads: ‘we obtained in the course of our day’s work, several of that fine but common one, the Twelve-rayed Sun-star (Solaster papposa), a showy creature dressed in rich scarlet livery, some eight inches in diameter. Two or three of a species usually counted rare also occurred, the Bird’s-foot (Palmipes membranaceus)...’
Plate 3 from the book The aquarium: an unveiling of the wonders of the deep sea, by Phillip Henry Gosse (Van Voorst, London, 1854). Inscribed: ‘Pl.III. P.H.Gosse, delt. Hanhart, Chromo lith. STAR FISHES’.
Philip Henry Gosse (1810-1888) was a populariser of marine biology and an aquarium inventor elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1856.
The author collected these creatures at Whitenose near Weymouth, Dorset. The accompanying text reads: ‘we obtained in the course of our day’s work, several of that fine but common one, the Twelve-rayed Sun-star (Solaster papposa), a showy creature dressed in rich scarlet livery, some eight inches in diameter. Two or three of a species usually counted rare also occurred, the Bird’s-foot (Palmipes membranaceus)...’
Plate 3 from the book The aquarium: an unveiling of the wonders of the deep sea, by Phillip Henry Gosse (Van Voorst, London, 1854). Inscribed: ‘Pl.III. P.H.Gosse, delt. Hanhart, Chromo lith. STAR FISHES’.
Philip Henry Gosse (1810-1888) was a populariser of marine biology and an aquarium inventor elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1856.
Associated place