Credit: © The Royal Society
    Image number: RS.10873

    Portrait of Dr F.M.R. Walshe and patient

    Francis Martin Rouse Walshe (1885 - 1973, British) , Neurologist
    Victor Alexander Haden Horsley (1857 - 1916, British) , Physiologist
    Object type
    Library reference
    height (print): 80mm
    width (print): 105mm
    Portrait of F.M.R.Walshe in profile wearing Royal Army Medical Corps uniform viewing a patient in Alexandria, Egypt. The picture was taken outdoors, with buildings visible beyond a hospital screen. Walshe’s patient, who is seated, has an extensive head injury or post-operative wound, partly dressed.

    The image is inscribed in ink top left: “Photograph taken by Sir Victor Horsley at 17. B.G.H. [British General Hospital] Alexandria in 1915.” The information is repeated in pencil verso: “17 Gen. Hospital Alexandria 1915 Sir Victor Horsley took this photograph.” Originally sellotaped to the inside front cover of volume 1 of Walshe’s collected papers in the Royal Society’s Fellows’ Works collection.

    The image was used as figure 1 (facing p.459) in “Francis Martin Rouse Walshe 1885-1973)”, by C.G.Phillips, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol.20 (London, The Royal Society, 1974), pp.457-481.

    Sir Francis Martin Rouse Walshe (1885-1973) British neurologist, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1946. He joined the Royal Army Medical Corps in 1915 and was posted as Consulting Neurologist to British Forces in Egypt.

    Sir Victor Alexander Haden Horsley (1857-1916) was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1886.
    Associated place
    <The World>
       > Europe
          > United Kingdom
    <The World>
       > Africa
          > Egypt
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