Portrait of James David Forbes
James David Forbes (1809 - 1868, British) , Physicist
William Henry Townsend, Lithographer
height (print): 290mm
width (print): 245mm
width (print): 245mm
Half-length portrait showing a young James Forbes in formal attire. His hair is neatly combed and he wears a high-necked shirt. His head is turned slightly to the left.
Inscribed below: ‘W.H.Townsend/Publ by Fr.Schenck, Lithr & Printer Edinr/JAMES D. FORBES, F.R.S.E. &C./PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH./James D. Forbes’
James Forbes (1809–1868), British physicist, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1832. He was awarded the Rumford Medal in 1838 and the Royal Medal in 1843.
Inscribed below: ‘W.H.Townsend/Publ by Fr.Schenck, Lithr & Printer Edinr/JAMES D. FORBES, F.R.S.E. &C./PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH./James D. Forbes’
James Forbes (1809–1868), British physicist, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1832. He was awarded the Rumford Medal in 1838 and the Royal Medal in 1843.