Credit: ©The Royal Society
    Image number: RS.12710

    Litosiphon pusillus

    Anna Atkins (1799 - 1871, British) , Botanist
    Object type
    Library reference
    height (print): 250mm
    width (print): 195mm
       > Botany
    Content object
       > plant
    Botanical study of marine algae Litosiphon pusillus (here styled Asperococcus pusillus), showing the bottle-brush appearance of the specimen with closely aggregated fronds.

    Inscribed in ink beneath the image with the name of the specimen ‘Asperococcus pusillus' in Atkins's handwriting.

    Blueprint from Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions, by Anna Atkins, volume one (London, 1843).

    Anna Atkins (1799- 1871) was a British botanist.
    Object history
    The original purpose of Anna Atkins’ Photographs of British Algae was to provide illustration for William Harvey’s FRS (1811-1866) A manual of British marine algae (1841). It was privately printed by Atkins and is considered the first scientific manual to be printed using photography to replace conventional means of illustration.

    Photographs of British Algae was issued as a part book to various scientific institutions, and Atkins made fifteen part donations to the Royal Society between October 1843 and the end of 1853. The thirteenth donation is listed in the Philosophical Transactions presents register from November 1850-June 1851 as ‘Volume I’ and came with instructions that the plates therein where to be combined with certain from the earlier twelve parts, and any leftover were to be reserved for volumes still to come – volumes II and III.

    It was up to the Royal Society to bind the cyanotypes according to Atkins' instructions. The final result is a 3 volume series containing 425 plates, and an additional gathering of 7 plates, believed to have been sent in to the Society as replacements but never incorporated.
    Associated place
    <The World>
       > Europe
          > United Kingdom
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