Credit: ©The Royal Society
    Image number: RS.13601

    Sculpture bust of Edward Sabine

    Edward Sabine (1788 - 1883, Irish) , Astronomer
    Joseph Durham (1814 - 1877, British) , Sculptor
    Object type
    Archive reference number
    height (sculpture): 610mm
    width (sculpture): 480mm
    depth (sculpture): mm
    height (pedestal): 134mm
    width (pedestal): 255mm
    depth (pedestal): 195mm
    Bust of Edward Sabine his head turned to the left as viewed. He wears double breasted jacket with looped necktie. His hair is styled in right hand parting and he has side whiskers. On a square marble pedestal inscribed ‘SABINE’.

    Inscribed on the back ‘MAJOR GENERAL EDWARD SABINE. J DURHAM SC. LONDON 1860.’

    Sir Edward Sabine (1788-1883) was an Irish astronomer, geophysicist, explorer and soldier, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1818, he served as Secretary, Foreign Secretary and Treasurer before becoming President in 1861 until 1871.

    Object history
    Provenance: Presented by John Peter Gassiot, 1860.

    The donation is recorded in the Royal Society’s Council Minutes: ‘The Secretary informed the Council that Mr Gassiot had sent to Burlington House a Bust of the Treasurer, executed in marble by Mr. Durham, which he desired to present to the Society. Resolved – That Mr Gassiot’s present be gratefully accepted, and that Mr. Bell be requested to convey to Mr Gassiot the cordial thanks of the Council for his highly valued gift to the Society.’’ Royal Society Minutes of Council, Printed, v.3 1858-1869, meeting 18 October 1860, p.69.
    Associated place
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