Credit: ©The Royal Society
    Image number: RS.15202

    Plan of Avebury

    8 July 1663
    Unknown, Artist
    Object type
    Archive reference number
    Manuscript page number
    height (page): 240mm
    width (page): 355mm
    Content object
    A map and explanation of the stone circle at Avebury, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, presented to the Royal Society by Dr Walter Charleton.

    The map is currently kept separately from the Classified Papers volume.
    Object history
    At the meeting of the Royal Society on 8 July 1663, 'Dr. Charleton presented the society with the plan of the stone antiquity at Avebury, near Marlborough, in Wiltshire; suggesting, that it was worth the while to dig there under a certain triangular stone, where he conceived would be found a monument of some Danish king. Col. Long and Mr. Aubrey were desired to make farther inquiry into it' (Birch, 1:272).
    Related fellows
    Walter Charleton (1619 - 1707, British) , Physician
    Associated place
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