Credit: ©The Royal Society
    Image number: RS.15688

    Ring of Saturn

    14 August 1675
    Johannes Hevelius (1611 - 1687, German/Polish) , Astronomer
    Object type
    Archive reference number
    Manuscript page number
    height (page): 108mm
    width (page): 107mm
    Content object
       > Solar system
          > planet
             > Saturn
    Ring of Saturn as observed by Johannes Hevelius on 14 August 1675. This small page was included in his letter dated 11 March 1676 (EL/H2/43) to Henry Oldenburg, who presented the observation to the meeting of the Royal Society on 6 April 1676. It was printed in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 11, no. 127 (July 1676).
    Object history
    6 April 1676, ‘Mr. Oldenburg read a letter to himself from Mr. Hevelius, dated at Dantzick, 11th March 1675/6, complaining of the animadversions made by Mr. Hooke upon his Machina coelestis, and intimating his resolution to answer them; sending also an observation of his of a phaenomenon of Saturn made 14th August 1675, wherein the body of that planet appeared beneath the ring; together with his observation of the solar eclipse of 23rd June, 1675’ (Birch 3:313).

    Printed as fig. 3 in 'Hevelius's observation of Saturn, August 1675, Gdansk', Phil. Trans. vol. 11, no. 127 (July 1676), p. 661.
    Associated place
    <The World>
       > Europe
          > Poland
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