Credit: ©The Royal Society
    Image number: RS.15780

    Microscopic views of wood

    10 July 1686
    Unknown, Artist
    Object type
    Archive reference number
    Manuscript page number
    height (page): 395mm
    width (page): 247mm
    Two small figures attached to larger page in a letter from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to the Royal Society. (Fig. 1 is missing.)

    Fig. 2: cross-section of oak wood as seen through the microscope, also called clapwood.

    Fig. 3: small piece of pine.
    Object history
    At the meeting of the Royal Society on 7 July 1686, ‘A letter of Mr. Leewenhoeck, dated July 10, 1686, N.S. giving a microscopical account of the texture of oak-wood was produced and ordered to be translated’ (Birch 4:493-94).

    The letter and images were also published in Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Ontledingen en ontdekkingen. Van de cinnaber naturalis, en bus-poeder; van het maaksel van been en huyd; van de galnoot, kastanie en okkernoot; van de voortteelinge van eenige zaden, vergeleken by de Voortteelinge van Garnaad, krabbe, en kreeft; waar in de deugdsaamheid van het eyken-hout bestaat, en hoe het te kennen is (Leiden: Cornelis Boutesteyn, 1686), pp. 87-110. With three figures.

    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Anatomia Seu interiora Rerum, Cum Animatarum tum Inanimatarum, Ope & beneficio [sic] exquisitissimorum Microscopiorum Detecta, variisque experimentis demonstrata [etc.] (Leiden: C. Boutesteyn, 1687), pp. 241-58. With two figures.

    English extract printed in Phil. Trans. vol. 18, no. 213, p. 224-25, with one figure.
    Related fellows
    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632 - 1723, Dutch) , Naturalist
    Associated place
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