20 April 1693
Unknown, Artist
height (page): 42mm
width (page): 114mm
width (page): 114mm
Drawings of fossils in a letter by Edward Lhuyd to Christopher Hemmer dated 20 April 1693.
Christopher Hemmer was a Dane who had visited Lhuyd at Oxford in 1691 with his friend Seerup. They each bought a collection of local stones from Lhuyd (for 1 guinea each) and then engaged him as a guide for a collecting trip. Lhuyd wrote to Hemmer about further fossils from England (see R. T. Gunther, The Life and Letters of Edward Lhuyd: Second Keeper of the Musaeum Ashmoleanum (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1945), p. 120). The letter and the figures were printed in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, as well as in Lhuyd’s, Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia (London: Gleditsch & Weidmann, 1699).
Christopher Hemmer was a Dane who had visited Lhuyd at Oxford in 1691 with his friend Seerup. They each bought a collection of local stones from Lhuyd (for 1 guinea each) and then engaged him as a guide for a collecting trip. Lhuyd wrote to Hemmer about further fossils from England (see R. T. Gunther, The Life and Letters of Edward Lhuyd: Second Keeper of the Musaeum Ashmoleanum (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1945), p. 120). The letter and the figures were printed in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, as well as in Lhuyd’s, Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia (London: Gleditsch & Weidmann, 1699).
Figs 1-20: stones found in Oxford and adjacent fields , in E. Lhuyd, ‘De lapidibus aliquot perpetua figura donatis’, Phil. Trans. vol. 17, no. 200 (May 1693), pp. 746-54.
Lhuyd, Edward, Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia (London: Gleditsch & Weidmann, 1699).
Lhuyd, Edward, Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia (London: Gleditsch & Weidmann, 1699).
Edward Lhuyd (1660 - 1709, British) , Naturalist and Antiquary, Naturalist