Solar eclipse
Unknown, Artist
height (plate): 172mm
width (plate): 173mm
width (plate): 173mm
Engraving of a diagram showing a solar eclipse of 13 September 1699 observed by Johann Philipp von Wurzelbau in Nuremberg, from the Acta Eruditorum (1699).
Lettering at top Tab X ad A. 1699, pag. 544
Transcribed by the Making Visible project
Transcribed by the Making Visible project
‘A Letter Sent to the Publisher of These Transactions, concerning an Abstract of Some Observations Made of the Eclipse of the Sun, September 13. 1699’, Phil. Trans., vol. 22, no. 265 (1700-01), pp. 619-24 explains that there were few observations of the solar eclipse of 13 September 1699 in England because of the weather. The observation of Johann Philipp von Wurzelbau (1651-1725) was printed in Nuremberg (by J. A. Entre), but since the book could not be obtained, its abstract, as published in the Acta Eruditorum, was translated and ‘the Picture of the Eclipse exactly copied from the Author’ (Phil. Trans., ibid., p. 620).