Broken vase from antiquity
17th century
Unknown, Artist
Object type
Archive reference number
Manuscript page number
height (page): 250mm
width (page): 358mm
width (page): 358mm
This drawing depicts fragments of a broken vase from classical antiquity.
This drawing is in a portfolio of drawings and tracings of Greek, Latin and Etruscan inscriptions, objects and monuments.
This drawing is in a portfolio of drawings and tracings of Greek, Latin and Etruscan inscriptions, objects and monuments.
Object history
Possibly related to the following from JBO/10/168-73: 28 February 1700, ‘There were several inscriptions, taken of off stones in Italy, thought to be old Etruscan, presented to the Society from Sr Fabretti, by Dr Sherard, who was ordered the thanks of the Society for the same’.
7 March 1700, 'A Letter from Dr Sloane was read with some Etruscan Inscriptions from Sigr Fabretti. And a committee was ordered to be present at the opening of the Etruscan Inscriptions. The persons appointed were Sir John Hoskyns, Dr Sloane, Sr Chr. Wren, Mr Aston, Dr Woodroffe, Mr Hill, Dr Woodwort [Woodward], Dr Hook, Dr Smith. The papers seal’d were delivered to Mr Hunt with Orders to take care of them and that they should not be meddled with, till the persons appointed to be of the committee are present. They were to meet on Munday morning next at 8 o’clock.’
13 March 1700, ‘Dr Smith gave an account of the Etruscan Inscriptions, from the committee appointed last Wednesday. There was a catalogue of them taken, which was read by the Dr. The committee was thanked by the Society. Dr Sloane was ordered to deliver the other Inscriptions formerly presented, sealed up, to Mr Hunt; and the same committee was desired to meet on Monday morn next at 8 of the clock, to consider them.
Dr Woodward said that several of the Etruscan Inscriptions have been already published, as that of the Rape of the Sabines &c and affirmed that several authors had treated upon that matter.
Dr Smith took his catalogue of these Inscriptions to add the remainder to it, at the meeting of the next Committee. […] Dr Smith said it would very well worth the consideration of the Society, to publish Sigr Fabretti’s papers of the use of the publick, and it was agreed to by the Society, and the Dr thanked for this Motion.'
28 March 1700, ‘Dr Hook reported that the former committee, about Fabretti’s inscriptions, had again met and taken a further catalogue and account of the Etruscan Inscriptions’.
The Dane Frederick Rostgaard (1671-1745) during his trip to Rome of 1698-99 appears to have acquired some of Raphael Fabretti’s transcriptions and rubbings, used for his Inscriptionum antiquarum quae in aedibus paternis asservantur (Rome, 1699). The transcriptions and rubbings are now in Copenhagen at the Royal Library. ('Généralités', L'Année épigraphique, 2003 (2006), 31-32.)
7 March 1700, 'A Letter from Dr Sloane was read with some Etruscan Inscriptions from Sigr Fabretti. And a committee was ordered to be present at the opening of the Etruscan Inscriptions. The persons appointed were Sir John Hoskyns, Dr Sloane, Sr Chr. Wren, Mr Aston, Dr Woodroffe, Mr Hill, Dr Woodwort [Woodward], Dr Hook, Dr Smith. The papers seal’d were delivered to Mr Hunt with Orders to take care of them and that they should not be meddled with, till the persons appointed to be of the committee are present. They were to meet on Munday morning next at 8 o’clock.’
13 March 1700, ‘Dr Smith gave an account of the Etruscan Inscriptions, from the committee appointed last Wednesday. There was a catalogue of them taken, which was read by the Dr. The committee was thanked by the Society. Dr Sloane was ordered to deliver the other Inscriptions formerly presented, sealed up, to Mr Hunt; and the same committee was desired to meet on Monday morn next at 8 of the clock, to consider them.
Dr Woodward said that several of the Etruscan Inscriptions have been already published, as that of the Rape of the Sabines &c and affirmed that several authors had treated upon that matter.
Dr Smith took his catalogue of these Inscriptions to add the remainder to it, at the meeting of the next Committee. […] Dr Smith said it would very well worth the consideration of the Society, to publish Sigr Fabretti’s papers of the use of the publick, and it was agreed to by the Society, and the Dr thanked for this Motion.'
28 March 1700, ‘Dr Hook reported that the former committee, about Fabretti’s inscriptions, had again met and taken a further catalogue and account of the Etruscan Inscriptions’.
The Dane Frederick Rostgaard (1671-1745) during his trip to Rome of 1698-99 appears to have acquired some of Raphael Fabretti’s transcriptions and rubbings, used for his Inscriptionum antiquarum quae in aedibus paternis asservantur (Rome, 1699). The transcriptions and rubbings are now in Copenhagen at the Royal Library. ('Généralités', L'Année épigraphique, 2003 (2006), 31-32.)
Associated place