‘Cocchus Polonicus’
Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt (1733 - 1796, German) , Engraver
Martin Frobene Ledermuller (1719 - 1769, German) , Naturalist
Object type
Library reference
height (print): 245mm
width (print): 195mm
width (print): 195mm
Content object
Study of Polish cochineal (Porphyrophora polonica) a scale insect producing crimson dye, showing the life cycle of the insect and its infestation of plant roots.
Plate 32 from Amusement microscopique, tant pour l'esprit que pour les yeux, contenant... estampes... d'apres nature...by Martin Frobene Ledermuller, plates volume (Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt, Nuremburg, 1764).
Inscribed above: ‘TAB.XXXII.’ Inscribed below: M.F.L. del. A.W.W. excud.’
The accompanying text is headed ‘Du Cocchus Polonicus ou Espèce de Cochenille d’Allemagne’ [Cocchus Polonicus or a German species of cochineal]. The plate is similar to, and apparently based upon, an earlier illustration, found within Johann Philipp Bryene’s Historia naturalis cocchi radicum tinctorii…(1731)
Martin Frobene [Frobenius] Ledermuller (1719-1769) German naturalist was employed in various capacities as a notary, turning to microscope studies after an illness induced temporary deafness.
Plate 32 from Amusement microscopique, tant pour l'esprit que pour les yeux, contenant... estampes... d'apres nature...by Martin Frobene Ledermuller, plates volume (Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt, Nuremburg, 1764).
Inscribed above: ‘TAB.XXXII.’ Inscribed below: M.F.L. del. A.W.W. excud.’
The accompanying text is headed ‘Du Cocchus Polonicus ou Espèce de Cochenille d’Allemagne’ [Cocchus Polonicus or a German species of cochineal]. The plate is similar to, and apparently based upon, an earlier illustration, found within Johann Philipp Bryene’s Historia naturalis cocchi radicum tinctorii…(1731)
Martin Frobene [Frobenius] Ledermuller (1719-1769) German naturalist was employed in various capacities as a notary, turning to microscope studies after an illness induced temporary deafness.
Associated place