Portrait of Steven Armes
Steven Peter Armes (1962) , Chemist
Debbie Rowe (British) , Photographer
Object type
> Organic chemistry
Computer Science
> Artificial intelligence
Engineering & Technology
> Electrical engineering
Royal Society history & activity
> Events
> Admission Day
> Organic chemistry
Computer Science
> Artificial intelligence
Engineering & Technology
> Electrical engineering
Royal Society history & activity
> Events
> Admission Day
Half-length portrait of Steven Armes, arms by his sides, looking directly out at the camera. Against a grey background. He wears a white shirt, a red tie and a grey suit jacket.
Professor Steven Peter Armes (b.1962), British chemist, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2014. He was awarded the Royal Society Armourers & Brasiers' Company Prize for 'his pioneering development of colloidal nanocomposite particles'.
Professor Steven Peter Armes (b.1962), British chemist, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2014. He was awarded the Royal Society Armourers & Brasiers' Company Prize for 'his pioneering development of colloidal nanocomposite particles'.
Object history
Taken at the Royal Society Admissions Day Ceremony, July 2014.
Associated place