Credit: ©The Royal Society
    Image number: RS.18693

    Portrait of Archibald Vivian Hill

    Archibald Vivian Hill (1886 - 1977) , Physiologist
    Unknown, Photographer
    Object type
    Image reference
    height (print): 177mm
    width (print): 127mm
    Full length portrait of A. V. Hill, dressed in a tweed suit, checking the pulse rate of an athlete against his pocket watch. The athlete is in period running clothes and is breathing by mask into a Douglas bag carried upon his back.

    The image shows a physiological experiment conducted by A.V. Hill, most likely part of the series on muscular exercise, lactic acid, and the supply and utilisation of oxygen, carried out with Hartley Lupton and others in the 1920s.

    Captioned paper label, verso: ‘Photograph for science service illustrated feature: “Science helps coaches to train winning athletes”. Legend – Prof. Hill takes the pulse of an athlete after running. As he runs, he breathes into the bag on his back, and by analysing the air, to determine the dioxide in it, the scientist can measure the rate at which the runner used up his energy. Credit Science Service, 21st and B Sts., Washington D.C.’ Various other pencilled inscriptions are visible, with a stamp: ‘Refered – E. Dept. MAR 17 28 – N.E.A.’

    Archibald Vivian Hill, (1886-1977) British physiologist, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1918. He served as Vice-President, Foreign Secretary and Biological Secretary of the Society, winning the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1922.
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