Roman coins, coat of arms
Michael Vandergucht (1660 - 1725, Flemish) , Engraver
Creator - Organisation
The Royal Society, Publisher
Object type
Article identifier
Plate from issue 337 of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society depicting six Roman coins and the coat of arms of the Dyke family of Tetton House, Somerset.
Figure 1. Coin inscribed: ‘ADLOCUT’, or Adlocutio in Latin i.e. an address given by a general.
Figure 2. Coin depicting Hadrianus (76 AD-138 AD), Roman emperor, on horseback.
Figure 3. Coin depicting Gordianus (c.159 AD-238 AD), Roman emperor, on a raised pedestal.
Figure 4. Coin depicting Julius Caesar (100 BC-44 BC), Roman general and statesman, on a raised pedestal.
Figure 5. Coin depicting Galba (3 BC-69 AD), Roman emperor, on a raised pedestal.
Figure 6. Coin depicting Otho (32 AD-69 AD), Roman emperor, shaking hands with an unidentified subject.
Illustrations to ‘XI. De aquilis Romanis, excerpta ex epistola Guil. Musgrave, M. D. et utriusq; Societ. Reg. Socij, ad virum clariss. gisb. cuperum, consulem daventriensem’ in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 28. Issue 337 (1713).
Inscribed ‘Nummos holce Romanaru Magni tudinem Aquilarum […] THO: DIKE de Tetton’ below the Dyke family coat of arms. Possibly the coins formed part of Thomas Dyke’s (1591-1672) collection.
Also inscribed: ‘M: V dr: Gucht Sculp’, in reference to Michael Vandergucht (1660-1725), a Flemish engraver who worked for most of his career in England.
Figure 1. Coin inscribed: ‘ADLOCUT’, or Adlocutio in Latin i.e. an address given by a general.
Figure 2. Coin depicting Hadrianus (76 AD-138 AD), Roman emperor, on horseback.
Figure 3. Coin depicting Gordianus (c.159 AD-238 AD), Roman emperor, on a raised pedestal.
Figure 4. Coin depicting Julius Caesar (100 BC-44 BC), Roman general and statesman, on a raised pedestal.
Figure 5. Coin depicting Galba (3 BC-69 AD), Roman emperor, on a raised pedestal.
Figure 6. Coin depicting Otho (32 AD-69 AD), Roman emperor, shaking hands with an unidentified subject.
Illustrations to ‘XI. De aquilis Romanis, excerpta ex epistola Guil. Musgrave, M. D. et utriusq; Societ. Reg. Socij, ad virum clariss. gisb. cuperum, consulem daventriensem’ in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 28. Issue 337 (1713).
Inscribed ‘Nummos holce Romanaru Magni tudinem Aquilarum […] THO: DIKE de Tetton’ below the Dyke family coat of arms. Possibly the coins formed part of Thomas Dyke’s (1591-1672) collection.
Also inscribed: ‘M: V dr: Gucht Sculp’, in reference to Michael Vandergucht (1660-1725), a Flemish engraver who worked for most of his career in England.
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