Argonaut shell and eggs
Franz Andreas Bauer (1758 - 1840, Austrian) , Microscopist
height (painting): 252mm
width (painting): 176mm
width (painting): 176mm
Plate 14 from the paper "The distinguishing characters between the ova of the Sepia, and those of the vermes testacea, that live in water, explained", by Everard Home, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol.107 (1817), pp.297-301. Specimen of argonaut collected by John Cranch (1758-1816), possibly the Ocythoe cranchii [Argonauta hians] described in the same volume of Transactions by William Elford Leach. Seven figures including the shell and magnified details of the ova. The work is inscribed with publication and plate details. Signed lower left "Franz Bauer del.". Royal Society stamp verso.
An illustration produced for publication in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.