Fossil teeth of elephant and rhinoceros
Thomas Webster (1772 - 1844, British) , Geologist
Mary Morland (1797 - 1857, British) , Illustrator
William Clift (1775 - 1849, British) , Illustrator
Mary Morland (1797 - 1857, British) , Illustrator
William Clift (1775 - 1849, British) , Illustrator
height (painting): 219mm
width (painting): 232mm
width (painting): 232mm
Plate 21 figures 1-3 from the paper "Account of an assemblage of fossil teeth and bones of elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, bear, tiger, and hyaena, and sixteen other animals; discovered in a cave at Kirkdale, Yorkshire, in the year 1821: with a comparative view of five similar caverns in various parts of England, and others on the Continent.", by William Buckland, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol.112 (1822), pp.171-236. Three views of fossil teeth from young elephants (figures 1-2) and a rhinoceros upper molar, discovered at Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire. Figure 3 is pasted onto a main sheet for figures 1-2. The work is inscribed with publication and plate details. Not signed. Royal Society stamp verso.
An illustration produced for publication in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.