Credit: © The Royal Society
    Image number: RS.9292
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    Study of the Moon

    July 1853
    John Phillips (1800 - 1874, British) , Geologist
    Object type
    Archive reference number
    height (print): 60mm
    width (print): 51mm
    Content object
       > Solar system
          > Moon
    Study of the Moon taken through a telescope in 1853 and displayed at the 23rd meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, in Hull, September.

    Phillips was the second person in Britain (after Warren de la Rue) to take lunar photographic images. He used the wet collodion process, two years after its invention in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer and Gustav le Gray. This specimen was collected from BAAS by Sir Edward Sabine.

    The image is mounted on a backing sheet which is inscribed: “Col.Sabine. Pres. Brit. Association. 15 July 1853 from Professor Phillips’s Telescope (Partially cloudy) Print”. However, it is laid over a second, more faded print, which may be Phillips’s original, of which this is a copy or facsimile.
    Associated place
    <The World>
       > Europe
          > United Kingdom
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