Nova and Saturn
Unknown, Engraver
Creator - Organisation
The Royal Society, Publisher
Object type
Article identifier
height (page): 213mm
width (page): 150mm
width (page): 150mm
Content object
3 figures to issue 65 of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.
Figure I. Astronomical chart of a nova just below the beak of Cygnus, as observed by Johannes Hevelius on 25 July 1670.
Figure II and III. Saturn depicted twice: as seen by Johannes Hevelius on 26 August 1670 [left as viewed], and as seen by Robert Hooke in September 1670 [right].
Inscribed: ‘Stella in Cygno observata a Joh Hevelio Anno 1670. Die 25 July st n
Fig .I.’
Nova 1670 Tropick Cancri’
And: ‘Saturnus observatus GEDANI Anno 1670. die 26 August. Joh Hevelio.
Sat. obs. Lond. a R. Hook. Septembr 26/16 1670.’
Illustrations to ‘An extract of a letter of M. Hevelius, written to the publisher from Dantzick, August 17/27 1670. Concerning a new star, lately discover’d in the constellation of the swan’ in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 5. Issue 65 (01 January 1670).
The original communication, containing figures I and II only, from Hevelius to Henry Oldenburg on 27 August 1670, can be found in Early Letters of the Royal Society EL/H2/22. Read at the meeting of the Royal Society on 27 October 1670, recorded in Letter Book Original LBO/4/28, and copied into Letter Book Copy LBC/4/76a.
The original illustration of figure III was shown at a meeting of the Royal Society on 27 October 1670, recorded in Register Book Original RBO/4/33 and copied into Register Book Copy RBC/3/184.
Figure I. Astronomical chart of a nova just below the beak of Cygnus, as observed by Johannes Hevelius on 25 July 1670.
Figure II and III. Saturn depicted twice: as seen by Johannes Hevelius on 26 August 1670 [left as viewed], and as seen by Robert Hooke in September 1670 [right].
Inscribed: ‘Stella in Cygno observata a Joh Hevelio Anno 1670. Die 25 July st n
Fig .I.’
Nova 1670 Tropick Cancri’
And: ‘Saturnus observatus GEDANI Anno 1670. die 26 August. Joh Hevelio.
Sat. obs. Lond. a R. Hook. Septembr 26/16 1670.’
Illustrations to ‘An extract of a letter of M. Hevelius, written to the publisher from Dantzick, August 17/27 1670. Concerning a new star, lately discover’d in the constellation of the swan’ in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 5. Issue 65 (01 January 1670).
The original communication, containing figures I and II only, from Hevelius to Henry Oldenburg on 27 August 1670, can be found in Early Letters of the Royal Society EL/H2/22. Read at the meeting of the Royal Society on 27 October 1670, recorded in Letter Book Original LBO/4/28, and copied into Letter Book Copy LBC/4/76a.
The original illustration of figure III was shown at a meeting of the Royal Society on 27 October 1670, recorded in Register Book Original RBO/4/33 and copied into Register Book Copy RBC/3/184.
Related fellows
Johannes Hevelius (1611 - 1687, German/Polish) , Astronomer
Robert Hooke (1635 - 1703, British) , Natural Philosopher
Robert Hooke (1635 - 1703, British) , Natural Philosopher
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